Friday, January 23, 2015


C6 will start swimming in the first week of school.  We will swim in weeks 1,3,5,7 and 9.  Every child must participate in swimming. The pool is warm, and swimming is good exercise, lots of fun, and an essential life-saving skill.   I teach the 'Swim Safe' programme, and am trained in teaching this programme.
Please send your child with named swimming togs and towel, in a separate bag.  Please name every item of your child's clothing and footwear, as they are very easily mixed up in the changing sheds.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Welcome to 2015

Kiaora and welcome to returning students and new students, it will be an exciting year as a year 2. We have lots of learning to do, games to play, art to create, songs to sing, and fun to have together.  I look forward to getting to know the children and their families.

Parents, you can set your child up for success at school by:
*making sure they are in bed at a regular time, so they are rested and relaxed
*having some breakfast and a drink of water.  (The school has wheat-bix available in the hall before school if you are running late, or the cupboards are bare.)
*dress children in school uniform, including a school sun-hat.
*have children at school between 8.30 and 8.45, as the school day starts at 8.55.
*get the correct stationery from the school office as soon as you are able to.
* listen to your child read, and spell their list words each night, and return them to school in the book-bag every day.
*pack them a healthy lunch with a range of small snack choices such as cheese and crackers, fresh or dried fruit, cereal, sandwiches, or cold meat.
* a named water bottle. (no soft-drinks or energy drinks please)
*name or label all their uniform, shoes/sandals, lunch boxes, drink bottles and school bags.  Things can get very easily mixed up!

We will soon start swimming in our school's heated swimming pool in the first week of school. We will start swimming on Tuesday at 9am.

Watch this space for notices and reminders, class photos, and your child's assessment tasks.  Please leave a comment for your child.

Best wishes to all, Sue Caudwell.